Sucessful implementation

Kontron Bulgaria has an outstanding track-record in the field of Project Management. Our exceptional experience was accumulated through a great amount of successfully implemented projects within the IT and Healthcare sphere.

We understand that project development is a complex process and each unit has its crucial role for the overall success of the activity.

Based on that we have acquired the reductionist approach as a leading tool for managing projects.


Support within the whole process

Our team unites professionals with different backgrounds and extensive experience in the field of business process development, process management, engineering etc., who can support you within the whole process of the project development and implementation.

Our experts work in close partnership with our customers so that we can ensure that your project would be implemented successfully, on a timely bases and in the most cost-effective way.

Kontron has certified employees for the project management methodologies Promet (PROcess METhod), PRINCE2, PMI.

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