What we distribute

Kontron Bulgaria is a distributor for the Bulgarian market of the world renowned technology manufacturers BabelNet, Vectra, Stormshield, A10 Networks, Wallix, Varonis, STEALTHbits, ObserveIT, Teramind, BIXOLON.  

The company is a distributor for Bulgaria of the Intelligent Parking Management System for Urban Areas - Mobzzo.

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Distribution partners


Intelligent Parking Management System for Urban Areas

  • A cloud-based web based information system for managing paid parking activities
  • Automated plate checks by LPR or QR code
  • Single point of check for all payment methods (digital ticket, digital subscription card, digital disability card, parking machine payment, SMS payments, Card payments)
  • Fines automated printing
  • A public domain accessible to citizens from Google Play for android or the App Store for iOS for free


Mobzzo logo


Privacy is the new key value in today’s society. Built using unique blockchain technology, BabelApp offers support and guarantees your messages and attachments will not be seen by any unauthorized party.

  • Encrypted calls
  • Secure communication
  • Encrypted Messages
  • Easy Integration
  • Blockchain protected



Forensic suitcase

Forensic high-tech tools and technologies

...for collecting, analyzing and storing materials seized from the crime scene:

BVDA - Manufacturer of forensic kits and equipment for gathering physical evidence.

SIRCHIE - Manufacturer of forensic equipment: Suitcases and kits for seizure of physical evidence; Apparatus and equipment for developing, examining and recording for examination of fingerprints and traces; apparatus for analysis of physical evidence; Incident site lighting

Digital Intelligence - Manufacturer of Dedicated Workstations and Server Platforms for Analysis and Research of Digital Information.

Encase Forensic Software - Specialized software for digital investigation. The software allows rapid analysis and retrieval of data and identification of potential evidence in computer and mobile devices.

Obelux - Manufacturer of lighting for viewing the scene

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Forensic high-tech