Embedded Solutions
- Touch- & Panel-PC solutions
- Embedded Computer
- Digital Signage
- E-ticketing in public transportation

Touch and Panel PC Solutions/Digital Signage
Kontron Embedded Systems is specialized in the provision of professional touch and panel PC solutions. Its devices are manufactured in Germany and meet the highest standards of quality. They are designed to operate flawlessly over the long-term in the conditions prevailing in the transport, maritime, medical, energy and security sectors. The company's multimedia applications are used in museums and public installations.
Embedded's product portfolio include large screen-based PC solutions. They are used as displays that keep employees informed in operating facilities, and as intelligent planning boards.
Embedded Computer
Kontron Embedded Systems' products are employed by rail corporations, power plant operators, networks and other publicly-owned companies – and by a large number of German bluechips (a number of which are listed in its DAX stock index). The company also efficiently provides such related, customer-centered services as concept formulation, project implementation and technical facilitation. These comprise include installation and commissioning. Both are these are rendered at a superior level.
A module approach to housings forms the basis for the adaptation of device outputs and outfitting to meet customer requirements. The embedded PC modules are optimally scalable.
This enables them to be configured in corporate facilities to meet virtually any kind of use. An especially well-conceived cooling system has extended the range of temperatures in which the devices can be operated. The modules come in versions (optional) making them vandalism-proof and/or giving them stand-alone cooling capacities. These features make the modules eminently suitable for employment in public areas.
Embedded's product portfolio include large screen-based PC solutions. They are used as displays that keep employees informed in operating facilities, and as intelligent planning boards.
E-ticketing in public transportation
Integrated embedded platforms for buses and light rail trains
Application ready set of building blocks for ticketing, fleet management and communication in public transportation: Kontron Venturo Vehicle Management System.
The EN50155-compliant Kontron Venturo Vehicle Management System for buses and light rail trains consists of three elements. First is the Kontron Venturo CBox, central management and communication computer, second is the Kontron Venturo HMI driver and passenger display unit with integrated ticket printer and third is the Kontron Venturo GBox, an audio and emergency call unit.
The high flexibility and open x86 architecture makes the Kontron Venturo Vehicle Management System a powerful integrated platform for public transportation. Compared to most other platforms, which concentrate on decentralized in-vehicle applications, the integrated Kontron platform centralizes all tasks such as ticketing, passenger information, location identification, data acquisition, vehicle and system diagnostics, as well as internal and external communications management on a single platform.